Thursday, 31 December 2009

Legislative Provisions Prohibiting and Regulating Employment of Children

Legislative Provisions Prohibiting and Regulating Employment of Children

Ø As per the Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986 “child” means a person who has not completed is 14th year of age.

Ø The Act prohibits employment of children in 13 occupations and 57 processes contained in Part A & B of the Schedule to the Act (Section 3).

Ø Under the Act, a Technical Advisory Committee is constituted to advice for inclusion of further occupations & processes in the Schedule.

Ø The Act regulates the condition of employment's in all occupations and processes not prohibited under the Act (Part III).

Ø Any person who employs any child in contravention of the provisions of section 3 of the Act is liable for punishment with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than three months but which may extend to one year or with fine which shall not be less than Rs 10,000 but which may extend to Rs 20,000 or both. ((Section 14).

Ø The Central and the State Governments enforce the provisions of the Act in their respective spheres.

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Soham Foundation
"A child is a gift of God"