Thursday, 31 December 2009



The International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour is a global programme launched by the International Labour Organization in December, 1991. India was the first country to join it in 1992 when it signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with ILO. The MOU that expired on 31.12.1996 has thereafter been extended from time to time and has recently been extended till 31st December, 2006. The long-term objective of IPEC is to contribute to the effective abolition of child labour. Its immediate objectives are:

  • Enhancement of the capability of ILO constituents and NGOs to design, implement and evaluate programmes for child labour;

  • To identify interventions at community and national levels which could serve as models for replication; and

  • Creation of awareness and social mobilization for securing elimination of child labour.

At the international level, IPEC has a Programme Steering committee consisting of representatives of the ILO, the donors and participating countries. At the national level in India, there is a National Steering Committee of which the Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Employment is the Chairman. This is tripartite in composition with representation from NGOs as well. The National Steering Committee met twice in 2004 i.e on 2ndJuly and 24th August 2004. Its last meeting was held on the 10th of October, 2005.

IPEC-India has, during the period 1992-2002, supported over 165 Action Programmes. The Govt. of India and the US Department of Labour have also initiated a US$ 40 million project aimed at eliminating child labour in 10 hazardous sectors across 21 districts in five States namely, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and NCT of Delhi. This project, popularly known as INDUS, is being implemented by ILO. An estimated 80,000 children will be withdrawn and rehabilitated through this project. Support activities will also be directed to 10,000 families of former child workers.

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Soham Foundation
"A child is a gift of God"